Saturday, November 10, 2007


Promises are like glass. They are easily shattered and once broken, you can never quite put them back together again. Breaking promises is as walking through broken glass. No matter how carefully you tread, sooner or later you will step on a shard that digs into your foot and nestles itself under your skin from where it sends up shooting pains as you walk on. Although the sting is painful at first, the longer you trample over the shards the finer they are ground. Eventually they will have been reduced to mere grains and walking across them becomes as painless as a stroll on the beach.

We all break promises. Sometimes we know from the onset that the words that just rolled off our tongues are meaningless but we say them anyway. Most of the time though we set out with the best of intentions. Life just gets in the way. Yes, I really intended to complete that report by next week. Yes, I really did mean to email back that friend soon. It just... didn't happen.

This blog is one of my glass splinters. Although never explicitly stated there was an implied promise between you, my readers, and myself. I would write regularly and in return you would come here to read it. Lately I have been breaking my end of the deal. Life got in the way in the form of a fulltime job. Every time I turn on my computer I feel the sharp splinter in my flesh and every time I then later turn it off, without having posted yet again, the splinter punishes me with pangs of guilt. I have broken our pact. You, on the other hand, keep returning to me, forgiving, like wide-eyed puppies pleading for comfort with the very same person who just kicked them. I don't know if I deserve such loyalty from you. My workload is not about to diminish and at the same time the well of my inspiration is drying up. We may soon have to renegotiate the terms of our silent contract. But first I will try to earn back your trust. I promise.

1 comment:

oratonastick said...

Ach, soms heb je gewoon niks te vertellen. Of geen zin om iets te vertellen. Dan kan je wel krampachtig stukjes gaan zitten schrijven, maar dat hebben wij kritische lezers natuurlijk meteen door! ;-)