Does the original stone merely echo that praise
Shallowly, or utter a bland hymn of comfort,
The founder's equivocal blessing
On all who worship Success?
Oxford - W.H. Auden
Universities are not what they used to be. Once they were noble institutions of learning, filled with scholarly students drinking from the cup of Wisdom. Well, maybe a few other cups here and there as well but you get the picture. But then universities had to become market focussed, profit oriented, competitive. Students these days are selected more for their financial than their intellectual capacity. It is hidden behind phrases like "investing in your own future" but basically you need deep pockets to do advanced degrees unless you are one of the lucky few eligible for sponsorship. My own university celebrated its centenary by upping the tuition fees even further. Especially business degrees have become the cash cow of the academic system. At least at this university, however, you get value for your money. The degree is an expensive key unlocking many doors. Enter the world of dodgy degrees...

Far worse is the story shown on the BBC today. It shows bogus universities preying on unsuspecting overseas students. Students get lured in with a flashy website, imaginary accreditation and even a graduation ceremony in Oxford or Cambridge. The Irish International University was exposed as an organisation accredited only by the Quality Assurance Commission UK, a body set up by... the director of the IIU himself! The honorary chancellor is a man who bought himself a baron title and who readily admits "the whole thing is dodgy" when caught on hidden camera. It is disgusting to see how poor students are taken advantage of. Their degrees will be next to worthless when applying for a job at any serious company. Unless maybe they try applying at a dummy corporation?
Het andere uiterste is dan natuurlijk weer dat je 10 jaar aan je promotie werkt en uiteindelijk op het allerlaatste moment toch niet je titel krijgt! (Zie
Het zal je gebeuren zeg! Wat een verhaal. Ik vraag me wel af wat die 'signalen' zijn...
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