I must admit, I don't really get marathons. A number of my friends have done them or intend to do them but, although I admire their tenacity, I do secretly think they are a bit loopy. Let's not forget: the man accredited for first accomplishing this feat did not live to collect any medal. It is unnatural, unhealthy. Why anybody would deliberately put their body through this pain is beyond me. Then again, I am a real couch potato these days so who am I to judge?
There are 6 men in London right now who seem not the least bit impressed by those 42.195 kilometres. After all, there are no lions. Did I just say "no lions"? Indeed. Amongst the participants will be 6 Maasai warriors who intend to run and dance their way to Buckingham Palace wearing full warrior gear and traditional footwear. Used to running and hunting for days on end a little marathon poses no challenge to them. They are doing this to raise money for their village and to bring fresh water to their families. Of course I do still think they are loopy but their cause is a worthy one. I wish them happy hunting.
Oh my, running a marathon with a shield? I wish them the best of luck. Interesting project; I hope they'll put something on YouTube.
By popular request: here's the YouTube promo video. :-)
Great, thank you!
Did the Masai make it to the finish?
It looks like they did, though I haven't been able to find their time yet. Got any marathon dreams of your own left these days my "loopy" friend? ;-)
Actually, yes, I am planning to run a marathon again. When I discovered that I was pregnant the first time, I was training for a marathon, but I never finished the training (and though I did cross the finish line in the Rotterdam marathon in 2005, I skipped almost half of it).
Now that I am done with pregnancies, I would like to do it again. I had my first run since almost a year last Sunday, and that was not so bad. I don't know yet which marathon I want to do.... perhaps London ;-)
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