Yes, you are correct. That is indeed a copy of the shiny Russian visa that as of this afternoon brightens up the pages of my passport! So how come I won't be in Russia within 2 days from now you might well wonder.
In a bizarre twist of events now that the visa is ready, the rest of my arrangements have fallen through. The confirmation of my visa arrived at a time this afternoon that in Moscow fell after working hours. By that time the Russians had already postponed all interviews and cancelled all other bookings. As it turns out, at such short notice it was impossible to arrange everything. So... we have rescheduled. Now -if all goes well- I should be in Russia by the last week of June instead. But who can spot the catch on my visa?
Your Russia trip is cursed! Now what?
We'll have to put in a new visa application to cover the right dates so basically start the whole process all over again. But hey, at least this time we know they do not insist on that blasted non-existing form... small comfort.
What a bureaucratic mess!
I really hope you will be in Russia, the last week of June, although that means we cannot meet up. End of June, I will definitely be in England, for a camping holiday with the family.
o no!!! Cursed and badly timed. Such a pity we won't be able to meet up here. :-( Promise I will try to come your way soon though, maybe even before Russia but don't know for sure yet.
Murphov's Law strikes again...!
Sorry to hear about all your misfortunes on the road to Russia. "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger", inst't it what they say? By the time you'll eventually get there you'll have learned all the intricacies of bureaucracy. Not a great consolation but it might come in handy some time... Good luck, keep us posted,
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