We gave a stellar performance today and I really can not see how we could have done any better a job. In fact, this is what our lecturer confirmed to us afterwards as well. This will sound very, very bitchy, I am well aware of that, but our lecturer confided in us after the ceremony that had it been fully his decision we would have taken home those brand new laptops that were the first prize. Even worse, he told us we could have taken home the first prize in the MBA competition! Not exactly much comfort, is it? Unfortunately it wasn't all his call and the other juror was somebody from the computer industry (hence the laptops) who had no full appreciation for the intricacies of the biotech business we were pitching.
I think I am mostly upset because I saw the presentation of the winning team and they were by no means my favourite. It is hard enough losing to a team that in your heart you have to admit were better, but the team that I felt were our genuine competitors only came in third. I know I am being ungraceful in defeat here but as I have said before: we were in this to win. Besides, I really could have used that laptop for my trip to Russia (I'll explain soon). Instead, I now have a brand new 20''W flatscreen monitor sitting in my room for which I have no use whatsoever. Does anybody want to make me an offer for it?
hey thyra -
sorry to hear that the competition didn't go as you had hoped. and don't worry, i think the sour grapes is a very natural reaction when you have worked so hard for something and put your all into it! frustrating though. on another note - i WOULD actually be interested in your flat screen, as we were planning on buying just that. the only question... how to get it to oslo?!
looking forward to hearing about your russia work
well, to give you some more details: it's an Acer 20"W flatscreen (1680x1050) with a silver coloured frame. Admittedly, it's a nice screen but I already have a perfectly fine one and 20"W does take up an awful lot of space on my small desk. I prefer to use the money to buy a nice iBook! That should teach Acer to mess with us! ;-)
No idea what shipping it to Norway would cost. It's a pretty big box...
Balen! Ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat ik ergens wel blij ben dat ik dat hele competitieve gedoe op school achter me heb gelaten! Ook al had ik mijn streven om de beste te zijn op de universiteit allang opgegeven.
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