I could write about Teflon Tony finally moving out of nr 10 but I prefer to withhold my verdict on whether or not that is good news until we know exactly what he has been replaced with. I could write about Tim Henman getting his butt kicked at Wimbledon, which always puts a smile on my face, but that might upset my British readers. I have searched the news for something upbeat but unless you are the kind of person who rejoices over the reunion of the Spice Girls, it is slim pickings out there today.
So unless you can all point me in the right direction and flood me with positive news, I am stuck for now singing to myself about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens so I won't feel so bad.
This might make you smile; I met the head of marketing for nestle cat division; so drunken told him he must sponsor the cat museum and houseboat in Amsterdam. Then rabbited on like a mad cat obsessed drunkard. He looked quite scared!
Love Katie
Not too offended by my Henman joke then? :-) So, what's the conclusion of your story; will Nestle sponsor the cat museum? Nothing wrong with being cat obsessed!
No; we're always rubbish at tennis:( I'm not sure if they will sponsor the cat museum but I think he might give me a wide berth.
I did find out one interesting fact though; at their research office they encourage staff to bring their cats to work with them. How cool would that be??/
Love Katie
Over nare dingen moet je gewoon kunnen schrijven, hoor. Daar is zo'n blog toch ook voor: om op te schrijven wat je bezighoudt en af en toe even je hart te luchten?
Maar je hart luchten kan kennelijk af en toe ook verkeerd uitpakken! ;-) je hebt flinke censuur toegepast op je zelf zag ik.
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