Twelve months have I been in London now. In that whole year I had not been to the British Museum, the Science Museum, the Victoria&Albert Museum or the National Portrait Gallery. I haven't seen a West End show nor have I gone up in the London Eye. I have barely glimpsed the Tower or Big Ben. You just don't get to do a lot of these things when you live somewhere. Part of 'going native' means snubbing the clichés, even if that means missing out on some interesting experiences.
By far the best motivation to get off our sorry native butts is to have guests over. This week my mum came to visit me. In five days time we have shuffled past the Chinese Terracotta Warriors and the Egyptian mummies at the British Museum. We have been baffled by the suspended tube lights and even black canvasses that pass for art at the Tate Modern. We have sipped champagne cocktails at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. We have looked at everything from 16th century locks and keys to Vivian Westwood dresses at the V&A.
In a city like London you are never done. There is always more to see, more to do, more to experience. At least this week I have been giving it my best. I need some time to recover from this cultural overdose. That is, until the next guests come knocking at the door...
Is that your picture of the British Museum hall? (At least, that's what the picture says it is.) It's great!
And I like "have-a-go hero"!
No, I wish that were my picture. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera that day. That great hall is stunning though. It was designed by the same firm who also did my business school.
Haha, hoe herkenbaar. De eerste keer dat ik het Teyler Museum in Haarlem bezocht was in mijn AiO-tijd, tijdens een dagje uit met de vakgroep. En in het Rijksmuseum of Van Gogh Museum ben ik ook nog nooit geweest. Terwijl ik wel zo'n beetje ieder museum in Praag heb gezien, terwijl ik daar alleen maar een paar keer op vakantie ben geweest.
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