At first suddenly having no deadline hanging over my head was a welcome relief. Then it became a nice opportunity to catch up on my reading, correspondence and ailing social life. Another week later it turned into a maddening nothingness. A big empty void of days with no purpose other than beating random strangers at online scrabble. I would make one desperate housewife!
Thankfully as of yesterday I am put out of my unemployed misery. I have rejoined the ranks of the working masses to become a good little worker bee. A poorly paid worker bee without a desk to call her own that is. It doesn't matter. I am just so pleased to be spending my days usefully again. Soon I might even start to longingly look forward to weekends again for at least I will have earned them.
Yes, I'm glad that it is Friday, but not because it's the last working day of the week.
It's the only day that I don't have to leave work at five to rush to the children's daycare. Today I can at least try to lose track of time, while immersing myself in science...
Yes, I like to work, and I can very well imagine that you are happy to start working again! Have fun (but enjoy the weekends too ;-))
Great! How was your first (half) work week?
Ik denk dat ik toch wel langer dan een paar weken thuis zou moeten zitten voordat ik verval tot het spelen van online-Scrabble! :-p
Geen kwaad woord over scrabble! Aangezien ik het in 't Engels speel is het een perfecte manier op mijn woordenschat uit te breiden. ;-)
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