Friday, October 10, 2008

eXtremely dangerous

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

1 comment:

migprud said...

"An ancient disease is taking a new form". So true... yet, that disease is not called tuberculosis, or malaria, or AIDS. That disease has a different name. It is called "capitalism". Capitalism is the main cause of the world's suffering today. It blinds us to the real evils of this world and prevents us from uttering that other word, which would help change the world: "compassion". Capitalism is the seed of greed, and greed is the seed of selfishness. That most of the suffering in the world could be prevented or abolished if the few "have-a-humoungous-lots" in this world gave even a small bit of their earnings to the "have-nothings" is testemony to the depths into which our society has fallen. In the name of profit, of "success", of monetary gains, the very essences of capitalism. I know not which system we should aim for to replace capitalism. But I do know that it is high time we, everyone of us, questions the capitalist God as the only guideline in out everyday life. Call me a radical if you will. But think about it...