Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

Guerilla artist Banksy strikes again with a wonderfully hilarious rendition of the relationship between animals and humans. A fake petshop in the Village in New York is full of weird "animals", such as fish fingers in a bowl, little baby chicken nuggets, and a family of hotdogs. Who knew a sausage could look so cute!

This little white rabbit is one of my favourites:


Anonymous said...

my favourite were the newborn hotdogs!

Thyra said...

Haha, yes I agree those were very funny too but they are all pretty brilliant!

Wish I was in NY to see for myself. Hey Edith, any chance of you going over there to see or are you too absorbed by the hardcore life of law school again? :-)

Edith said...

Ha! Maybe I'll go as the Tulipgirl Goes London reporter! :) (But I don't have a video camera.)

I like the CCTV camera watching her 'young'. (

Thyra said...

If you do, make sure to let me know! Not sure how long the exhibit is up for though... a lot of this Banksy stuff is short-term.

I'm actually sort of in your 'neighbourhood' right now! Boston isn't all that far from NY, though unfortunately too far for a visit. Hopefully some other time.