Something warm to wear, just in case. You never know with these scandinavian summers. What else? Make-up, toilettries and toothbrush. Check, check and double check.
The present for the happy couple? Yes, that's save in my pack. Did I get the card too? I'm sure I did. Something to read for on the plane ofcourse. Ooh, I should not forget my iPod. My own in-flight entertainment. And where is my camera? Damn it, I know it is around here somewhere... okay, found it. Phone and half a dozen chargers, bank cards. Yes, all there. I think that's it. I believe I am ready. Sweden here I come!
O wait... my passport.
veel plezier en wens het bruidspaar veel geluk namens mij :-)
have a great time and don't orget to wave when you fly past us!
Ik heb de wensen doorgegeven en je krijgt zowel de groeten als felicitaties terug! Ik heb foto's online gezet, ik stuur je zo wel even de link als je dat leuk vindt.
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