Monday, January 28, 2008

Africa for dummies

Well, for beginners is actually what my guidebook has to say about Ghana. Amazingly enough Ghana is one of those countries for which there are hardly any guidebooks. My rummaging through the shelves of the dedicated travel bookshop yielded just a single one. There is no Lonely Planet even. There is one for West Africa all lumped together but just Ghana on its own apparently does not draw enough of an audience. I like the idea of going somewhere that is off the beaten tourist track.

For the sceptics amongst you out there who still think I wasted my money buying yet another guidebook that I will not use: think again. My ticket is booked and I have spent a fair deal of my time this morning getting my visa sorted. Armed with two completed application forms, two identical pictures, two names of referees in Ghana and my passport I showed up at the Ghana High Commission. In the waiting area I was treated to 30 minutes of documentary on the cocao industry. Not very entertaining but it killed time. Once I finally made it to the visa desk I was brusquely rebuffed since my forms were not correct: I had neglected to complete them in CAPITAL letters. Right..., no point in arguing that one so with my tail between my legs I moved away to fill out two new forms. Then of course I had managed to overlook the fact that payments are cash only, something incompatible with my nature as a plastic fantastic girl. Off to the cash point I went and at attempt number three I finally managed to get a stamp on my form. Next week I can pick up my visa.

There is more preparation to a trip to Ghana than just a visa so the afternoon was taken up by a visit to the travel clinic. My poor left arm suffered multiple jabs and I am kitted out with anti-malaria pills and pills to fence off that old traveller's favourite. It is a bit of a mood killer, all these practicalities. I even had to buy some new outfits as my business clothes are all more designed for the British climate than the African one. I can't very well show up for my interviews in a strappy top and sandals, can I?

All this is to stay that I have crossed the point of no return. Twelve days from now I will take off for Accra and will spend 11 days there, interviewing a multitude of people whose names I do not yet know. Assuming I won't have any trouble accessing the internet, I will keep you posted from there. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, you might just be in time for the end of the Africa Cup of Nations (football/soccer), hosted in Ghana this year. Quite a big deal there, as far as I understand.

Anyway, that's not really relevant maybe. Have a lot of fun!

Thyra said...

I believe that ends the day before I get there. You're not the first to point this out to me. :-)

Jocelyne said...

Woo, exciting that you are going for real now! Are you going to stay longer for sight-seeing, or will you head back to London straight after you finish the work there?

Thyra said...

I'm going straight back after but I think in between interviews (and on the weekend) I will have ample time for sightseeing around Accra at least. I don't know yet if I will have time to go somewhere else in the country though. It's pretty big... :-)

Anonymous said...

hey thyra, i am so excited i wish you were there already now to tell us all about it! i saw that there is a bradt guide on ghana, a little outdated but they have a reputation for good books, maybe worth a try?

Thyra said...

That's the one I have! I don't know what year it is though but it looks recent enough to me. Didn't get very far in reading it yet though. Only got to the history of Ghana up until the 19th century... :-)

oratonastick said...

Zelfs het Wikipedia-artikel over Ghana is relatief kort en ronduit saai (terwijl veel artikelen over landen juist oneindig lang zijn). Misschien maar goed ook, want saai betekent waarschijnlijk ook "veilig".