This trip is an amazing opportunity. This is why I quit doing what I was doing and moved to London. This is my big moment. And I am a bit nervous. Not about where I am going, I think that will be a wonderful experience. I am nervous because this feels like my 'tipping point'; the moment where words stop being just words and are put into action. Everything I have learned in the last 15 months has led me to this point. Now I have to make it happen; I cannot screw this up. I feel like a stage actress moments before her big premiere. She has studied the lines, she knows her part but when that curtain goes up: rehearsal time is definitely over! Just her and the audience.
I know I can do this and have to trust that if my boss had any doubts about that, he would not have sent me here. Time to stop worrying, pull all my confidence together and simply dive in to enjoy the waters. Wish me luck!
Have fun and good luck!!
Yes, good luck and enjoy the trip!
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