You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford. (Samuel Johnson)I am by no means tired of life but I was beginning to get a bit tired of London. Maybe there is in London all that life can afford but the quote neglects to point out that you also need some serious money to afford it all. The cost of living here is just too high to do it for long.
I had been considering my options for leaving London for a while now, but suddenly things have picked up lightning speed. A few weeks back my boss made a startling announcement. He has accepted a major job at a very interesting organisation. That is of course great news for him. But it is also good news for me... it looks like I will be following him to the land of chocolate and mountains in a few months time, doing just the sort of work I have been working towards all these months! There are still a million blanks to fill in about the what, where, when and how much but it is a very exciting opportunity for me that I take with both hands.
For those of you back in the Netherlands who miss me a bit there is more good news. My boss' departure from London means that, from September onwards, there will be no real need for me to stay here either until the new job takes shape. With an internet connection and cheap flights I can be based basically anywhere and that includes Amsterdam. Yes people, I will be coming home soon! It may not be for very long since already I know I will be moving abroad again but pretty soon I will be setting up camp in my own apartment. See you there?
woohoo! you're coming back!!!
"Tulipgirl leaves Londen"
Does that mean you'll stop this blog?
I don't know yet. :-) I might open up a new one instead, also because I haven't been particularly good at keeping this one 'underground'. In the new job I would expect that to be a bit more important... might have to rename it to "Tulipgirl goes international" anyway. Next on the list: Tanzania!!
Klinkt als een mooie nieuwe uitdaging. En als nuttig werk natuurlijk! (Bijna even nuttig als smeermiddelen voor scheepsmotoren! ;-))
Wellicht zie ik je nog tijdens een van je tussenstops in Nederland.
Mijn 'tussenstop' zal waarschijnlijk een paar maanden zijn dus elkaar in die periode zien zou toch moeten lukken! Tenminste, als ik niet weer eens in verre oorden zit. :-)
I know what you mean. Sure there are other as exciting but less expensive cities that also have better climate.
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