Since my arrival here almost two years ago, the original collection of my local belongings has expanded from a single suitcase to a room full. Getting everything to the other side of the Channel proved either a logistical or financial nightmare or both. Carrying things with me by plane was a definite no-no. Too much stuff, not enough luggage allowance. Going through a shipping company was no option either. Too expensive. Royal Mail might be cheaper but errr... let's say I value my belongings too much and I'd like to see them again. This decade preferably. Fortunately there is always super-mom to the rescue! She has graciously offered to drive all the way here to London to collect me and my belongings. Of course I suspect she just wants to make sure I really do come back so she'll do whatever it takes but still...
I am quite looking forward to being back. It will be wonderful to be closer again to some people I have seen too little of these last 23 months. But I will miss London too. Moving closer to some friends means moving away further from others. Not that I will stay away from London very long anyway though. Less than a fortnight after arriving in Amsterdam I am due back in London for a few days for some meetings. I dread to think of my carbon footprint these days. At least in Amsterdam I will be greenly pedal-powered again. Only, the bike I left behind has since collapsed and died. I don't suppose any of you has a bike for sale?
Hurray for mom! I can't wait to have you back!
I'm so happy that you are (almost) back!!
Let's meet up next week!
I look forward to seeing both of you soon too!
Jocelyne, let's also try to arrange something with the other "recent arrival" soon! If I am not mistaken she is coming back this very same weekend as well. Amsterdam Oost/Watergraafsmeer will have a few more familiar faces in it by next week . :-)
No bike, but glad you'll be back in town! Hope the move is a piece of cake (or that there's cake at the end - in the middle - whenever).
Hi notablogger,
how are you holding up for this last stretch? I'd love to come visit you for a "kraamvisite" soon!
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