Sometimes a good night's sleep can have a soothing, tempering effect but not today. I must have gotten out the wrong side of the bed this morning or something because my spirits had dipped below freezing point. I'm usually already fairly slow in the morning but today I was moving at the speed of a slug. I finally managed to drag myself out of the house, much later than usual, only to find that my bus was nowhere in sight. Of course when at last a bus appeared it was completely packed. I had to squeeze my way in, nuzzling my face into somebody's smelly armpit. I think the bus driver must have been in an equally bad mood because about halfway along my route he suddenly decided to dangerously cut off another driver who reacted in predictable fashion. The two men clambered out of their vehicles and entered into a display of verbal abuse. As they did not appear to be coming to a quick resolution of their dispute I, like most other passengers, got off the bus and continued my way on foot. If at this point I had been a cartoon character, you would have seen a dark black thunder cloud suspended over my head! Even without the cloud though, it must have been obvious to the unsuspecting passersby that I was in no mood to be messed with as people arched their way around me at a safe distance. Naturally I was late for class so I had to slide into one of the few available seats left in the front, in the immediate line of sight of the lecturer, making me the obvious target when he marked out some 'volunteers' for a class presentation. Things have just kept piling up all day. They are all small, little things that on a good day wouldn't bother me at all but today my tolerance threshold is alarmingly low.
I don't know when I will finally manage to snap out of this grump but I reckon it won't be today anymore. If you happen to be unfortunate enough to encounter me on the street this afternoon on my way home: better beware. You'll have no trouble recognizing me. I'm the girl who looks like she is ready to bite your head off should you look at her the wrong way!