Thursday, February 08, 2007

A cry for help

This may well be the last message you'll ever receive from me...

The country is under siege. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring; the enemy is amongst us! Our radios tell us not to leave the safe confines of our houses. Mothers are advised to keep their sons and daughters at home. Those who must go out do so at their own risk. 'Bring food and blankets with you if you must venture outside', they tell us. 'Arm yourself with a shovel and be prepared for the worst'. Trains have been halted, airplanes have been grounded, society has grinded to a shrieking halt.

I don't know if I will be able to finish writing you this message. We might loose power soon. I call out to those who can hear me: come and rescue us! They say this night the white demon will strike again and once again take us into its paralysing grip. Its crimes will not go unnoticed as it leaves its visible tracks wherever it goes. Faceless though it may be, it answers to a name... it is called 1.5 inches of snow.


Jocelyne said...

So the wet white stuff came from you!!
Today a national weather alert was issued here, so many people went home early, or didn't even leave their houses. And for what? A centimeter of snow, that quickly transformed into gray slush. In comparison to the storm of two weeks ago, the white stuff was pitiful in its attempt of wreaking havoc in The Netherlands.
Our backgarden looks beautiful though, covered in a layer of white!

Thyra said...

I know what you mean! Here in London all the 'snow' had melted within an hour or two and yet my classes were cancelled today 'due to the weather'... Such a lot of fuss over nothing. Apparently there is a lot more snow down in Wales but over here it is all completely gone again. There's nothing left, not even in the garden.

Jocelyne said...

I must confess, I don't know anything about the snow situation, apart from Amsterdam, and I also missed the news. I guess tomorrow's newspaper will update me....

Thyra said...

If you want a glimpse of the sort of melt-down (no pun intended) the UK went into, have a look at the link I posted at the bottom to the BBC news.

Anonymous said...

yngve and i had planned a romantic evening walking along snow-covered canalsides, under the stars, wrapped up cosily... the reality of squishing our way through the slush wasn't quite what we'd imagined, but we had a nice evening out anyway! my favourite was the ns who *pre-emptively* cancelled trains to help them run on time (?) and then warned people that they should expect very busy trains...

Anonymous said...

oops sorry that was me!

Thyra said...

I figured as much. Don't know that many people who are planning romantic interludes with guys named Yngve... :)