Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blessing in disguise

This week my lifeline connecting me to the outside world has snapped: our Internet has been disconnected! The line we had was being paid for by the company of one of my now ex-flatmates. Of course now that he has moved out they will no longer extend us this courtesy.
I suppose the timing has been somewhat of a blessing in disguise for me. It is amazing how much time one can waste being online when really all you should be doing is studying. I live and breathe internet & e-mail these days. It is killing me to be cut off from my digital world. Turning on the computer is almost the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do before I go to bed. It is absolute agony that I can't check if I have any new e-mails on my GMail account (just a few), my College account (even fewer), my old Uni account (about 30 messages about cheap drugs) or to see if he has left me a message (he hasn't). I miss checking the Dutch news (no world peace yet) or the BBC news (no world peace there either). I miss looking up random words and facts on Wikipedia, Google or YouTube. And of course the worst: I can't even update my blog without having to go to Uni!

For my exam results it has probably been a good thing that I have been cut off but now exam week is almost over... can somebody please, please, please reconnect me again?


oratonastick said...

Een beetje een wilfer aan het worden, Thyra? ;-)

(En omdat dit verhaal natuurlijk schreeuwt om die vraag: wie is "he"?)

Jocelyne said...

He?! Interesting.... :-)

Thyra said...

wat is in vredesnaam een "wilfer" Ron? En wat betreft die andere vraag...daar kan ik op dit moment helaas nog niet op in gaan! :-)

Unknown said...

he??? I understand you won't say anything (sigh!)... not even a name? ;-)

Thyra said...

Hi Audie, don't need to tell you the name. You already know it (as do you Jocelyne). Have been blabbing about this guy for ages. Yup, still the same one. The reason I can't say more though is I have no idea if it will finally go anywhere... and I think he has my blog address! :-)