To soften the blow of having to miss all of this this year, on Saturday I went to the London Holland House event sporting a bright orange top. Everybody with Dutch blood running in their veins and living in London was probably there. It was really weird being in a place where so many people were dressed in orange and speaking Dutch...while being in London. As one might expect it was quite a cliched event. (pictures!). Obviously there was a Volendammer herring cart, a stroopwafel vendor, dutch cheese girls, flowers and of course Heineken. There was even a guy making clogs, something I have never seen on any Queen's day before! Amazingly enough I even ran into a familiar face from the lab. It was fun but it can in no way match the real thing.
So today I am feeling a bit sad knowing I'm missing out on all this. I have put on my white trousers and a blue shirt and varnished my toe nails bright red so in my own subtle way I'm still keeping up our national colours. Next year I will definitely try to be there again. I hope all of you in Holland are having a great time today. Happy Queen's day!
So today I am feeling a bit sad knowing I'm missing out on all this. I have put on my white trousers and a blue shirt and varnished my toe nails bright red so in my own subtle way I'm still keeping up our national colours. Next year I will definitely try to be there again. I hope all of you in Holland are having a great time today. Happy Queen's day!
Een Hollands feestje in Londen. Oranje topjes... Jij doet wel discutabele dingen de laatste tijd, Thyra! ;-)
hey Thyra, i did miss Koninginendag!!! Can you imagine?
Wat is er zo discutabel aan oranje topjes? Heb deze al gekocht voor Koninginnedag een jaar of twee geleden... draag het welgeteld 1x per jaar! ;-)
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