Together with a friend -indeed one of the English speaking variety, though she more than holds her own in Dutch as well as half a dozen other languages- I went to see a very special performance of A Midsummer Night's dream. The play was performed in 8 different languages of which I can boast only 1 at best! And that one is in "Shakespearean" so perhaps it is more accurate to claim none. Astonishing. The actors seamlessly shifted from one language into another leaving the audience to wonder what had just been said. Thank goodness we had bought the programme book with synopsis beforehand! Of course the point is not at all to understand every word (most likely even in all-English Shakespeare performances most people don't manage that!). It was kind of liberating in fact to just sit back and simply let things unfold before your eyes. The motions, the expressions, the costumes, the dances; they all conveyed the magic of the story without much need for words. However, once the lights came back on I suddenly felt very grateful again for having been given the gift of English!
Zo, druk aan het labelen geweest? Lijkt mij niks trouwens, zo'n opvoering in 8 talen. Of ze moeten het ondertitelen natuurlijk!
Er ontgaat jou ook niets! Typische struisvogelpolitiek: moet eigenlijk leren en dus doe ik dat soort dingen. Ben ook mijn HTML kennis aan het proberen te verbeteren... :-)
Vond het juist wel erg bijzonder, al die talen. Bovendien is MND toch al een heel raar stuk dus de verhaallijn is niet zo heel belangrijk. Kom op, magische drankjes, elfen en verdoemde geliefden?!
Wat is er mis met elfen en magische drankjes? Het verdoemde-geliefden thema is anders wel erg afgezaagd ;-)
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