Amsterdam is where I feel at home. I love my apartment there. I have lived in my place for close to 9 years and it is really the place that best reflects who I am. But it's more than that. Amsterdam has always been special to me, even before I moved there. Living in Amsterdam has been great. It took me a long time to get to know the city properly -my infamous lack of directional sense again- but in the end I knew just where to find those nice little shops and restaurants, I had my personal hairdresser, my favourite park and have memories all over the city. All the things that make you feel you belong rather than are just a visitor.
Now, in London, I have to start all over again. I still can't find my way even around the centre. Leave me at Picadilly Circus and tell me to walk to Covent Garden and there is a fair chance I'll end up in Notting Hill. I have a supermarket but am still in desperate need of a good hairdresser, dry cleaner and shoe repair shop. And I won't be able to find any of the nice restaurants and pubs I have been to with others any more. My house is not a home either. Although my room is cluttering up at amazing speed, it's mostly with paperwork, books and clothes. I don't buy anything unless it is functional because I know I'll just end up having to move it again. The house is fine but it isn't my own space. I like London, I really do, and I can picture myself living here for another while but it is still a long way off from truely becoming a home.
Tell me about it! my heart and soul are torn between Paris and Leiden (yes, I did write that - who would have thought!), while I live in Oxford! :-(
Ah! those transition states are indeed very unstable! (nerd! :-) )
Everybody feels at home in Amsterdam!
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