For some time now officially all business should be conducted in metric units and indeed shop prices are quoted per kilo and per litre. Much of the signage and packaging, however, is still firmly rooted in the old British Imperial system of pounds & pints. To this day a container of milk, for instance, holds 568 ml: exactly 1 pint! Also in people's everyday conversations it is apparent that metric units have no place whatsoever. I often find myself struggling in conversation. When people tell me they lost “a full stone” I try to look impressed but I’m unsure whether that is more like a pebble or like a boulder. Similarly, I'll nod appreciatively at a height of 6 foot, 5 inches still not knowing whether the person we are discussing is a Lilliputian or a full blown Goliath. And with 12 inches in a foot, the bloody system isn't even decimal so there are no quick and easy conversions!
I can't foresee the British giving up their habits any time soon so if I want to integrate into their society I’d better familiarise myself with this odd, archaic system. So I have begun practising: I am 5’8” and weigh 123 lbs. No, honestly!
Moeten we je een voedselpakket sturen, misschien? ;-)
wat, vind je 'size 0' niet mooi dan? :-)
It's american to say you weigh 123lbs, in the UK you're 8 stone 11 pounds (there are 14 pounds to a stone). Don't worry my Dad still confuses me by talking in old money which was got rid off in the 70's before I was born!
As you can see I'm not getting very far revising:)
Katie T
Hi Katie,
nice to see you here! Guess some people actually do look at my footer. :) Still trying to get my head around the whole US vs UK thing. The "stones" have me even more confused to be honest. Never heard that before I moved here. Am having some trouble getting motivated for the revisions myself... planned your party yet? See you soon, T
Still having trouble motivating myself which wasn't helped by all the lovely weather we've been having. It seems wrong to be stuck inside over a pile of books when it's sunny for once.
Hopefully the fact they're now less than 2 weeks away will give me the kick up the bum I need.
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