Okay guys, I am going to need your help. I know there is a bunch of you brilliant minds out there reading this blog and I need to pick those big brains of yours!
My course has now moved on to the final assignment before our individual research projects: The Business Plan Competition. As the name suggests we have to spawn a new business idea and then develop it into a full blown business proposal. The second part is what the course has been training us for so I won't ask you to be bothered about that. The first part is where I can really use your help though. Any suggestions, no matter how wacky, are welcome. Of course I personally am most interested in anything health or (bio)science related but anything outside of that is good too. (Just keep in mind I have to get up in front of a panel of judges and sell the idea to them so please don't make me look like a total fool...) Ever thought the world could really use that new gadget you thought up? Ever felt your scientific results deserved to be converted into a real product? Tell me now.
My course has now moved on to the final assignment before our individual research projects: The Business Plan Competition. As the name suggests we have to spawn a new business idea and then develop it into a full blown business proposal. The second part is what the course has been training us for so I won't ask you to be bothered about that. The first part is where I can really use your help though. Any suggestions, no matter how wacky, are welcome. Of course I personally am most interested in anything health or (bio)science related but anything outside of that is good too. (Just keep in mind I have to get up in front of a panel of judges and sell the idea to them so please don't make me look like a total fool...) Ever thought the world could really use that new gadget you thought up? Ever felt your scientific results deserved to be converted into a real product? Tell me now.
The only thing at stake here is the glory (& a good mark for me) so I can't promise you a cut in any future profits. There won't be any. The best I can do is get your name on the credits. I know that isn't much but the main prize is my eternal appreciation... We need to present our "elevator pitch" on Friday next week so please start sending me those suggestions as soon as they pop into your heads. I'll keep you updated!
P.S.: I understand there is such a thing is corporate confidentiality and I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble for 'selling off' their trade secrets. The Business Plan Competition is strictly an internal affair though and your secrets will be save with me. Maybe e-mail them to me rather than post them here if you have any concerns.
P.S.: I understand there is such a thing is corporate confidentiality and I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble for 'selling off' their trade secrets. The Business Plan Competition is strictly an internal affair though and your secrets will be save with me. Maybe e-mail them to me rather than post them here if you have any concerns.
I have a business proposal, a real 'gat in de markt': a water boiler whose temperature can be adjusted.
WTF, and why is this health related, you may ask. Well, this is inspired by my office mate. He drinks several types of Japanese and Chinese teas, green, black, and other. It is well known that green tea is healthy, but apparently just how healthy it is depends on the temperature of the water. Each type of tea requires its own specific temperature, so as to get the desired components into the brew, but not the unwanted parts. Some teas need water of 70 degrees, others require 90. Ordinary black tea is content with a simple 100 degrees C. My office mate looks all of this up in a book and is very religious about it.
BUT, here's the problem (read: business opportunity): the water boiler is just that: a water BOILER. It heats water to 100 degrees C. You understand that making proper green or Japanese tea is quite an annoyance with a water boiler like that. My office mates spends half the day observing the bubbles that appear when the water is warming up, but not quite boiling yet, to switch off the boiler at JUST the right moment. The right moment for the specific tea he is about to drink, of course.
Here's your chance to help him, and millions of other people who might benefit from drinking green tea -- at the right temperature.
More info on temperatures e.g. here:
link (if you can convert F into C.)
Thanks Edith, that's hilarious!! I'll definitely pitch this one to my group.
Can anyone top this guys? Com'on, with so many PhDs among you surely there must be tons of ideas...
Normaal ben ik vooral goed in het doen van suggesties waarmee je wel voor lul zou staan, maar toevallig bedacht ik vandaag iets dat wel nuttig zou zijn.
Als je - zoals ik - nogal veel tijd doorbrengt op de snelweg kom je nogal eens wegwerkers tegen. Die worden doorgaans "beschermd" tegen het passerende verkeer door oranje pilonnen. Je kunt je voorstellen dat die een auto niet echt tegenhouden mocht ie besluiten zich toch in de verboden zone te begeven. Volgens mij moet het mogelijk zijn om die mensen een betere bescherming te bieden. Bijvoorbeeld met een soort verrijdbare vangrail of zo.
Eerlijk is eerlijk, ik weet niet precies hoe je zoiets aan zou moeten pakken (je wilt niet dat de wegwerkers straks geplet worden door de verrijdbare vangrail, en je kunt zo'n ding ook niet tijdelijk in de weg verankeren, dan gaat het hele effect van werken aan de weg een beetje verloren), en rijk zal je hier vast ook niet van worden, maar nuttig is het in ieder geval wel!
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