Sunday I decided it was time to give my old room in my mum's house a good clear out. The thing about that room is that I pretty much left everything behind when I moved out. So all the stuff I accumulated in my teenage years and even before has been mummifying in there for years. A real trip down memory lane! I found old 'avondvierdaagse' medals, a hideous clay pot made for Mother's day (how appropriate to unearth that again on Mother's day!), 3 old Sony walkmans but most of all: piles and piles of school notes. Every note book since my first year in high school has been preserved. Treasures of knowledge. Had it not been for the fact I recognise my own hand writing I wouldn't have believed that I once actually knew all that. I am in awe of high school me and feel very ashamed that all that knowledge has gone right out the window. The crown on my cleaning excercise was the discovery of every single one of my old high school exams, safely tucked away together in a big envelope: the ultimate shrine to knowledge long-forgotten . Here are some of the things I used to know back in 1996:
Mathematics (wiskunde B)
See the Figure and:
- calculate the distance between point C and the line AD
- calculate the volume of the body
Laocoon ardens summa decurrit ab arce
et procul "o miseri, quae tanta insania, cives?
creditis avectos hostes? aut ulla putatis
dona carere dolis Danaum? sic notus Ulixes?
aut hoc inclusi ligno occultantur Achivi
aut haec in nostros fabricata est machina muros,
-Translate and indicate (scan) the metrical pattern
The isotope 83Li decays with emittance of a b-particle to form 84Be which then splits into 2 a-particles, according to:

-Calculate the speed with which the a-particles are emitted, assuming the 84Be-core had zero velocity.
Errr, right... anyone?
1 comment:
Ik zal mijn BINAS en mijn woordenboek Latijn-Nederlands eens uit de kast trekken, dan kom ik misschien nog een heel eind met die laatste twee. (Die eerste is een verloren zaak.)
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