Thursday, May 03, 2007

These boots aren't made for walking

When I first moved to London, I made a rookie mistake. In my 32 kg suitcase I carried one pair of chic high heeled shoes, a pair of even higher heeled boots and my second pair of boots was on my feet since that was easier than trying to cram both pairs into my suitcase and wearing sensible shoes. I figured that being in business school meant having to dress a bit more businesslike and so I didn’t pack any of my sturdy, yet inelegant flats.

It didn’t take me very long to come to regret that decision. London is a city where you walk & walk & then walk some more. In Holland, you just cycle everywhere but here: you walk. For women like my mum, who walk around in heels 24/7, that is not a problem but I am not one of those Sex & the City women. In my opinion heels are great for when you need to look fab but they are not meant for all this power walking! Within days my feet were in miserable shape, aching with every step. I needed a pair of new shoes and I needed them immediately. You know how whenever you know exactly what you are looking for, you can never find it? That’s exactly what happened to me. In the end I decided I would just buy the first pair of comfortable flats available in my midget size that wouldn’t look totally ridiculous. The shoes I bought were actually not too bad. Simple brown and white trainers. Not really my style but honestly, not that bad. They have served me well these past 7 months. They have carried me all over the city. But now their time has come. I have worn them out to their very last breath. The soles are cracked and the fabric looks ragged. May they rest in peace. They’ve earned it.

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