Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blowing out the candles

Well, that's it: only 364 more days separating me from the big three-oh...!

Thank you all for the emails, cards and other messages I got from you yesterday. I loved them. I celebrated my birthday on the weekend already as obviously Mondays are not the best days for partying. First, on Friday I went out for a nice lunch with some of my classmates and then on Saturday there was dinner and lots more partying. It was maybe a bit weird that most of the people I celebrated with this year are people that I didn't yet know on my previous birthday but it was great fun nonetheless. It makes me feel like I am starting to settle in here somewhat.

Turning 29 doesn't affect me much but in all honesty: I am not really looking forward to the next one. I know I am being silly about it, it's just a number, but I can't help it. Maybe it's being back in student life but I can't come to grips yet with the fact that my twenties are quickly fading away. When did we get to be old enough for that?! I could swear I have already even spotted my first grey hair. How scary is that? At least I have the next 364 days to get used to the idea...

1 comment:

oratonastick said...

Alsnog van harte, Thyra!

Eerlijk is eerlijk; ik vind het hele concept van 30 worden toch ook wel een beetje beangstigend. Probleem is denk ik dat we ons weliswaar niet oud voelen, maar dat we ons nog heel goed kunnen herinneren dat we niet zo lang geleden 30 wel erg oud vonden. Maar goed, ik kan maar beter gaan wennen aan het idee. Over minder dan twee weken zitten mijn twintiger jaren er definitief op!