Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Academics Anonymous

Hi, my name is Thyra and I'm an academic. There, I've said it.

It all started out so innocently. Everybody else was doing it too, I did not think I was doing anything wrong. People were even encouraging me, telling me that it was okay to do a degree. But then I moved on to the heavier stuff: PhD. It was during this time that I started to realise that perhaps I had a problem. I promised myself that this was where I would draw the line. I was going to kick the habit and break free from academia's clutches. I had to do it carefully though and to minimise the withdrawal effects I tried to wane myself off gradually by going back to doing a masters degree rather than going cold turkey.

It's hopeless. I have realised by now that there is no escape for me. Once again I am sifting through the Web of Science, spending hours reading papers and processing data. I can not help myself. I have even committed to doing this for the next 9 months or so in return for a PhD type salary. A UK PhD salary that is... And worst if it all: I am excited about it. Once again I am hooked.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.


Jocelyne said...

Woohoo.... you're back in science!! Very good ;-)

Unknown said...

oh can i join the AA as well? i miss it so much too!
hey thyra, how do you access the web of science? i can't anymore?

Thyra said...

I can access it because I am still a student. University subscription silly! :-) It's what they spend my ridiculously high tuition fees on probably. Never thought I'd live to see the day where you tell me you miss science. Wonders really do happen!

oratonastick said...

Hmmm, weliswaar ben ik ook niet ontsnapt aan het lezen van wetenschappelijke literatuur, maar in ieder geval betalen ze mij beter! ;-)