They could see she was a real Princess and no question about it, now that she had felt one pea all the way through twenty mattresses and twenty more feather beds. Nobody but a Princess could be so delicate.
(H.C. Andersen, translation J. Hersholt)
My chances of becoming a real princess may have gone out the window with all the Dutch princes having found their matches and Wills&Kate back together here, but I am not sleeping any better for it. My mattress is the lumpiest and bumpiest in the world. I have tried flipping it over, turning it around, checking underneath for peas...it doesn't help. I have trouble falling asleep and wake up with an agonising backache.
In my own flat I would simply have gotten a new mattress but here I can't. It's part of the deal of renting a furnished place and I am not about to buy a new mattress for my landlords. Now that I know I will be in London for another while I should probably start looking for a new place to live. This one was okay until now but I wouldn't mind trying something different, hopefully with a more comfy bed. No more peas under the bed. Boiled, mushy or any other way.
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